General |
Contributions must be in English or Tamil. They should be accompanied by a written declaration, signed by the authors, that the paper contains original, unpublished material and has not been submitted for consideration elsewhere. Two referees will evaluate all contributions before they are accepted for publication.
Categories of Submissions |
- Research Papers
Full length Research Papers should not normally exceed 10 double line spaced manuscript pages (including illustrations and tables).
- Communications
Preliminary reports of novel research findings are acceptable as Communications and should not normally exceed 5 double line spaced manuscript pages (including illustrations and tables).
- Reviews
Reviews should be short, critical and highly focused surveys of progress in a specific area of current research interest. It should not aim to be comprehensive, but should contain in its introduction a historical perspective and in the conclusion likely future directions. These should not normally exceed 10-15 double line spaced manuscript pages.
- Lead Articles
Lead Articles are comprehensive and authoritative reviews of major areas of research interest. They are normally commissioned by the Editor. Contributions on suitable topics from potential authors are also welcome.
- Correspondence
Views on issues of social and scientific significance may be communicated to the Editor in the form of a Correspondence not exceeding 1-2 double line spaced manuscript pages.
Proofs |
Correspondence and proofs for correction will be sent to the first named authors unless otherwise indicated. Proofs should be checked carefully for typesetting errors and queries, if any, should be answered in full. It is important that proofs are returned within the time stated to avoid delay in publication.
Copy of the Journal |
The corresponding author will receive a free copy of the issue.
Preparation of Manuscripts |
- Title
The title must be brief, specific and informative.
- Authors and Affiliations
The names with initials of authors must be given and should be followed by superscript lowercase letters to indicate different addresses. The name of the corresponding author should be followed by *. For example,
A.M. Petrosyana , R.S. Feigclsonb*
a Yerevan State University, Alex Manoogian St. 1, Yerevan 375049, Armenia
b Centre for Materials Research, Stanford University, 105 McCullough Building, Stanford, CA 94305-4045, USA
- Abstract
The abstract, not exceeding 150-200 words, should highlight the objectives, be informative, outline important observations and reveal major conclusions.
- Keywords
4-6 keywords for indexing and information retrieval.
- Main Text
The main text of the paper must be divided into sections starting with an introduction and ending with conclusions. The main section should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., the sub sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc., further sub-sections (if required) 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc.
- Acknowledgements
Acknowledgement should be given for any assistance given to the study.
- References
References to published work must be cited in the text by authors' names followed immediately by the year of publication, e.g., Andrews & Williams (2003). Where there are three or more authors the references in the text should be indicated as Vijayan et al (1998). (All authors should be included in the full list). Some examples are:
Doi, M., In, Y., Kikuchi, M., Ishida, T. & Inouc, M. (1991), J.Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I, 55-61.
Fryc, K. (1981), Editor, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences IVB, The Encyclopedia of Mineralogy. Stroudsburg, PA: IIutchinson Ross.
Perkins,P. (2001), Ph.D. thesis, University of London, England.
Smith, J.V. (1998), Chem. Rev. 88, 149-182.
Smith,J.V. & Bennett, J.M (1981), Am. Mineral. 66, 777-788.
Vogel, A. (1978), Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th ed. London: Longman.
- Tables & Figures
All tables, figures and photographs must be cited in the text & numbered in order of appearance with Arabic numerals. They should be self-contained and have a descriptive title. Line drawing must be in Indian ink on good quality tracing paper. Scanned images of drawings, figures and photographs should be of very high resolution (minimum 600 dpi resolution). Computer generated graphic files in the *.TIFF, *.PS. *.EPS, *.JPG, formats are preferred. Photocopies of photographs are not acceptable. Figure captions should be supplied at the end of the paper and should not be included as part of the graphic.
- Units
Only standard SI units and symbols for measurements must be used.